6 Foods To Keep Away From Your Dog

As much as our furry besties may beg for any food we’re eating and loyally follow us into the kitchen, it’s crucial to remain mindful of the foods that should be kept away from them, here are 6 foods to keep away from your dog. In a previous blog, we highlighted 10 foods that dogs should never eat. Let’s delve into several more foods that pose dangers to our beloved pets. It’s important to note that each dog’s tolerance to different foods varies, and what might be manageable for a large dog could be harmful to a smaller one. If you suspect that your dog has consumed any toxic foods, it’s imperative to seek immediate veterinary care. 

Raw Yeast Dough

Ingested dough can pose serious health risks for dogs. The dough continues to expand in the stomach, putting pressure on nearby organs. This can trigger Bloat or GDV, a severe condition that can be life-threatening to dogs. To learn more about these risks, you can check out our blog on Bloat/ GDV here. Furthermore, the fermentation of yeast in a dog’s stomach produces alcohol, which can be extremely toxic when absorbed into their bloodstream.

Raw yeast dough toxic for dogs
Mouldy Food

Mouldy foods can be dangerous for dogs due to the presence of toxins called mycotoxins. Among the most common types are tremorgenic mycotoxins, which contain neurotoxins that can lead to tremors or seizures in dogs. If a dog ingests such toxins, immediate symptoms may include tremors, vomiting, and fever. Additionally, mycotoxin poisoning can manifest through restlessness, abdominal pain and discomfort, a jaundiced appearance, and diarrhoea. Keep your dog away from rubbish bins, compost bins, and fallen mouldy fruits from trees, as these can pose serious health risks.

Mouldy foods toxic for dogs

Nutmeg, a common ingredient found in both savoury and sweet meals, may not cause serious problems for your dog when ingested in small amounts. However, it’s important to be cautious, as larger quantities of nutmeg can be harmful to them. The presence of myristicin, a toxic compound in nutmeg, can lead to various health issues for dogs, including hallucinations, rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, abdominal pain and potentially seizures. 

Nutmeg toxic for dogs
Lemons & Limes

Thankfully, most dogs are unlikely to be tempted by lemons or limes just like us. However, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential toxicity of these fruits to our canine companions. Dogs have difficulty digesting citric acid, which is abundant in lemons and limes. As a result, ingestion may lead to an upset stomach or, in more severe cases, cause serious consequences like loss of coordination or loss of consciousness. Moreover, the rinds of lemons and limes contain psoralen, a toxic substance for dogs.

Lemon & Limes toxic for dogs
Salt & Salty Foods

Similar to humans, excessive salt consumption can also be harmful to dogs. When dogs ingest too much salt, it can lead to salt toxicity, a condition where there’s an excessive amount of salt in their system. Without access to fresh water to balance out the salt levels in their blood, the cells in their body may release water to compensate. This can result in various neurological symptoms, including dizziness, headaches, or even seizure.

Salt Toxic For Dogs
Stone Fruit

While the flesh of stone fruits is not toxic to dogs, it’s vital to keep all stone fruits away from them due to the potential dangers associated with the pits. The pits can pose several hazards, including choking and intestinal obstruction if swallowed. Moreover, the pits contain cyanide, a highly toxic substance. If a dog chews or breaks open the pit, they may experience cyanide poisoning, which can quickly become a life-threatening emergency. 

Our dogs are an integral part of our families, and their well-being is paramount. While it’s natural for them to show interest in our meals, it’s our responsibility to safeguard their health by being aware of hazardous foods. By avoiding the harmful food items discussed earlier and staying vigilant about any potential toxic ingestions, we can ensure that our beloved furry friends lead happy and healthy lives.

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