Navigating Puppy Teething

Raising a puppy is an exciting adventure, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. One such challenge is teething, as puppies go through a natural process of losing their milk teeth and growing their permanent ones. In this blog, we’ll explore the teething timeline, signs to watch out for, and provide helpful tips to ease your puppy’s discomfort during this phase.

When do puppies teethe?

The timeline is different for every dog, however, as a general guideline:

3-4 weeks: First set of teeth grow, these are known as their ‘milk’ teeth. This is your puppy’s first experience of teething. 

4-5 months: Milk teeth begin to fall out.

5-7 months: Adult teeth are forming, if not already formed. This is your puppy’s second period of teething.

What is happening to my puppy?

Puppies go through ‘teething’ twice, first when their milk teeth come through and secondly when their adult teeth come through. Teething can be extremely uncomfortable for your puppy and can cause a lot of discomfort. They may not be their best selves as they go through this painful period of growth. You may have noticed they are more agitated and are biting or nipping at things more. You may have even lost a few pairs of shoes in the process! During the teething phase, puppies engage in extensive chewing as it serves to alleviate the discomfort they experience.

During the teething process, puppies often swallow their baby teeth as they fall out, but don’t be surprised if you stumble upon these tiny treasures around your house. Additionally, you might notice specks of blood on their toys or items they have chewed. This minor bleeding is usually a result of their gums adjusting to the emerging teeth and shouldn’t cause significant concern. However, if you do observe a considerable amount of blood, it’s advisable to seek veterinary care and guidance for proper evaluation and assistance.

Signs your puppy may be teething:
  • Red and swollen gums
  • Excessive drooling and bad breath
  • Increased chewing and nipping behaviour
  • Minor gum bleeding (a few drops of blood are normal)
  • Missing teeth (puppies may swallow their fallen teeth)
  • Decreased appetite (eating slower due to potential pain)
How can I help my puppy during this period?
  • Ensure your puppy has access to soft toys specifically designed for safe chewing. Experts advise against allowing puppies to chew on items that cannot bend or flex. The best toys to purchase are soft toys, check out PETstock’s range of chew toys here.
  • It’s crucial to provide supervision when your dog is chewing on toys since no toy can guarantee absolute safety. There is always a risk of them swallowing parts of the toy, which could potentially lead to blockages and breathing difficulties.
  • To help alleviate teething discomfort, consider offering your dog cold items such as chilled Perfect Bowl meals. The cold temperature can provide soothing relief and serve as a distraction from the pain they may be experiencing. Shop Perfect Bowl meals here
Help! My puppy is chewing everything, what do I do?
  • Use deterrents and bitter sprays to discourage chewing on specific items.
  • Redirect your puppy’s attention and energy through activities like walks, puzzle toys, training, and exercise.
  • Keep items you don’t want chewed up (such as clothes, shoes, electrical cords, toxic plants, or food) out of your puppy’s reach.
  • Use vocal cues like “no” or “ah ah” to communicate that nipping behavior is unacceptable, and begin training them on appropriate chewing habits.

With these tips and tricks, we hope to make the teething experience better for both you and your pup. Remember to be extra loving and kind to your puppy during this stage as they are going through a hard time!

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